Thursday, March 14, 2013

I Leave you with Four days Worth of Meals!!

Oh boy....ok guys I am going away for two weeks. well not really I am going on a Electronics fast with the rest of the community. you know, that thing we do every beginning of a new season. well spring is about to start so we are going to start it off with another electronics fast, No computers, iPods, internet, movies nothing with a screen......Except my Camera so I will be taking pictures that I will share at the end yay!!! 

so before that starts I wanted to show guys the meals we have been having the last couple of days!!
I will miss you guys see you in two weeks hopefully with a new cooking video !!

Day 1
Noodles and Broth
Soba Noodles
Shoyu Shitaki Kombu Broth
Blanched kale


Long Grain Brown Rice
Kidney Beans
Sauteed Kale
Day 2
For Lunch
Quinoa with a Scallions Garnish
Vegetable Stir Fry
Miso Soup


Brown Rice
Roasted Almonds
 Sauteed Wakame 
Pan fried Tofu sauteed with Kale
Napa Cabbage Pickles
Barley Shitaki Soup

Day 3
For Lunch
Pan fried Sweet Brown Rice Mochi
Miso Soup
Black Soy beans cooked with Onions


For Dinner

Buckwheat cooked with Squash
Arame water Sauteed with Onions and Carrots and a little of Tahini
Blanched Cabbage
Day 4

For Lunch
Brown rice cooked with Pumpkin Seeds
Sauteed Cabbage flavored with Umeboshi
Creamy Squash Soup


Cabbage Shoyu Pickle
Kidney Beans
Blanched Kale, Carrots, Onions

~~~ for Dessert!
Stewed Pears with Roasted Almonds

1 comment:

  1. This is my first visit to your blog. The photos alone, not to mention the wonderful recipes, are enough to inspire me to get back to a more macro way of eating. I like the idea of a "fast" from electronics, sounds like a good way to get back in touch with ourselves.
