Saturday, August 03, 2013

Just Eat all Day!!!!

 OH wow!!! I had a full day of just eating and a little over eating (my worst habit) 
I had Lunch,Snack,Dinner,Second Dinner,Dessert!!!! 

But I am kinda letting my self off the hook for the next couple of days, cause I am going to start a healing diet for my self for 10 days, starting Thursday!! I am very excited about it! 

 I am going to try and work on different kind of posts while I have this time next Thursday and....maybe like Photo tutorials for cooking basics (like Brown Rice and Vegetables and things!) and it will give me time to finish some cooking videos I am in the middle of! understand I got big plans for the blog so lets just move on the the food!!

For Lunch
Brown Sweet Rice with Kidney beans Mixed with Caramelized Onions
Blanched Broccoli and Cabbage Garnished with Roasted Sesame Seeds and Brown Rice Vinegar 
Chunky Kinpira sort of thingy ....let me explain 
Squash and Carrots Sauteed in Oil and Garlic and Salt and Shoyu for a Long Time!! So Yummy!!
Miso Soup

For Snack
 Peach Kantan Blended and Garnished with Roasted Pecans

For Dinner Number 1 .....let me explain
We had dinner at the long house...and then My brother invited me to a dinner he made, and both looked so good, so there was only one thing to do....Eat Both!!
Noodle Salad
one made with Udon Noodles and one made wit Soba Noodles
Nishime Squash and Cabbage
Sauteed Daikon and Daikon Tops

Dinner Number 2
made with 
White Rice cooked with Corn
Tomato Salsa
Fried Black Beans
Lettuce Salad with Olives
Corn Tortillas


Strawberry Muffin 
Strawberry Sauce!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my... I just LOVE your blog!!!

    Can you please give me the recipe for the " Peach Kantan Blended and Garnished with Roasted Pecans" ? Pretty please? :)

    With love,
