Saturday, October 17, 2015

You got to use those Leftovers

For Lunch
Brown Rice
(watch and learn how to make Brown Rice here)
Baked sweet Potato with Mochi grated on top 
(watch and learn how to make Mochi here)
Blanched Cabbage
Fried Black Beans
Nishime with Squash, Onion, and Burdock
(watch and learn how to make Nishime here)
Apple Celery Salad with Lemon and Salt
For Dinner (a leftover meal really)
Leftover Brown Rice
Onion Shoyu Pickles
Adzuki Bean Squash dish
left over Blanched Cabbage and Cauliflower 
Left over Cous-cous turned into a Salad 
French Onion Soup with Mochi and Bread

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