Wednesday, November 30, 2016

French Toast

Yesterday was a day I needed to celebrate. celebrate all the wonderful things life has given me. celebrate this journy that has taken me to beautiful places and challanged me more then I thought I could handle and showed me I could. celebrate all the loving people I have in my life..... or I just needed a reason to make French Toast. 
I have never made French Toast before. I was to scared! I always thought it was one of those delicate recipies that if you don't get just right it is not good. specailly making the vegan verson.
But I found that is not true. with the research I did into a bunch of different recepies for this, I found that they are all good. 

To make this recipe I called my brother who is anamaizing cook to ask him advice. and I also borrowed from one of my favorite dessert books Love, Eric Delicous Vegan Macrobtiotic desserts. 

Makes 8 pieces of Toaste

1 cube of silken Tofu
1/2 cup of Rice Syrup
1 cup of Almond Milk
1 tsp of Cinnamon 
1 pinch of Salt 
8 pieces of Bread of your choice (I used Pane Bello)

Mix all ingredients in a blender untill smooth
Transfer mixture into a large bowl
Soak the 2 pieces of bread at a time for a minute or so
Heat up the pan and start with a thin layer of a good high heat oil like safflower or sunflower 
Cook untill golden brown, about a minute on both sides. I found it useful to press down on the bread to get an even golden look.

Then cover it in maple syrup and berries and eat it cause it is so delicous!! 

I would love to hear how to make French Toast. I can't wait to try out different versons of this. 

1 comment:

  1. This information is very helpful me about french toast. I have to say that for the last few of hours i have been hooked by the impressive articles on this website. Keep up the wonderful work and if you want more info about this topic then visit how to make fried french toast
