Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How do I make a Indian food Meal!?

So this is the tutorial that I promised  for the Indian Meal... this meal was actually made a while ago and all the pictures are taken with my iPhone (the only camera I had at the time sorry)... but here it is....

and before we start I'd like to thank Connor so so so much for helping make this recipe tutorial.
and Vidya for teach us how to cook the food seen in the pictures!

I am gonna try and make this as simple as I can.
I am gonna break it up into separate dishes!

For the meal you are going to want fresh roasted and ground cumin.

1) Roast whole cumin in a dry pan for 3 to 4 minutes until dark and the smell of the cumin gets stronger!

2) Then you will want to grind your roasted cumin any way you can think of (blender, choping, rolling pin on counter, coffee grinder)


1) Soak two cups of White Jasmine Rice for one hour.
2) Strain and rinse the rice and set aside

3) In a pot bring three cups of fresh water to a boil

4) While your water is coming up to a boil heat one table spoon of a light cooking oil in another deep set pot (sunflower, safflower, canola, olive,mustard, soybean etc..)
 Add two teaspoons of whole cumin, and one teaspoon nigella seed to the heated oil.
 Then let the spices cook in oil for about 45 seconds

5) Add your rice and the boiling water to pot with the heated spices. then cover and let simmer on a medium to low heat for about 20 minutes or until



1) bring to boil two cups of red lentils in six cups of water with one bay leaf.
after it comes up to a boil, cover and let simmer for 20 mintues on low heat.

2) peel and crush two big cloves of garlic (not two big bulbs, theres a diffrence!!)

Dice Half of a yellow onion.

and your gonna want to end up with one cup of dices tamato, so one medium tamato would do.

with one jalapeno pepper and dice it!

3) After the Lentils are done. Heat 2 tables spoons of oil, your gonna want to add two tables spoons of your very nicely roasted and ground cumin,

with your garlic, and roast for one mintue.

4) Now add tamato jalapeno and onion to the mix, and sautee for about 5 minutes.

5) then add sautee mix to cooked lentil dal

6) Add salt, black pepper, and more of your roasted and ground cumin to taste (were seasoning it baby!!)

Pori   (bread)

1) Mix 3 cups of whole wheat flower with a pinch of salt, add and knead in water until you are left with a dough that is kneadable and moist but NOT

sticky. (does that make sense?) and knead for about 2 minutes

2) cover your dough with a damp cloth, and let sit in a warm place for two hours.

3) after the 2 hour, uncover seperate your dough into ping pong ball sizes (cover them while you are makeing them)

4) after they are all in little sizes. roll them out onto a lttile bit of flower (so they don't stick to the counter) and roll them out in to perfect circles, you

want them pretty thin.....but not too thin (you will learn with practice)
you want them thinck enough to puff out when you cook them.....and thicker in the middle and thinner on the outside edges...(I am sorrry I really can't

explain it any better)

5) so if you want to make Pori, you are going to want and heat your deep frying oil (don't let it burn)
when your oil is hot, add your pori (little round dough thing you just rolled out so nicely) submerge in to oil (and it should be floating by it self, if not oil

is not hot enough)
you going to splash  the oil (with you deep frying tool) over on top of the pori, then once it grows puffy flip it over, then pull it out, and half something                                  

ready to put it on (like a plate with a paper towel on it)
don't feel disapointed when it flattens back down (thats what it is supposed to do.
..........just watch the video....

Aloo Gohbi 

1) Slice one little onions into  thin half moon slices,
cut two large potatos into chunks,

and quater of a califlower into simaler sized chunks,
and mince one jalapeno pepper

2) hard boil your potaos in water with some salt, until done (isn;t that the most detaled answar ever!)

3) heat about 4 tablespoons of oil and add about 1 tablespoon and a half of whole cumin, with 1 tablesoon of nigella seed, with a handful of chanadall,

sautee for about 1 minute.
then add your jalapeno and onions, sautee for 3 minutes.
then add the califlower and patatos (mashing a few potatoes to make it creamy) and half a cup of water.

4) add about half a tablespoon of tumaric, corriander and garam masala each, and salt to taste.

5) simmer until califlower is tender adding spices and salt to get the flavor just right (may need some fresh ground cumin, (you might want some

cayane pepper!)

6) Garnish with fresh cilantro and serve HOT!

Ratna  (Salad)

1) Dice medium (bite size) two medium toamatos, half a cucumber,

dice small one jalapeno pepper, one medium red onion.

chop fine a half a bunch of parsly

2) Roast and chop one cup of pecans

3) mix all together except parsley

mix in  about one tables spoon? of salt (maybe a little less)

mix in one table spoon? of the roasted and ground cumin. (or to taste)

add lemon juice to personal taste

4) let sit for half of a hour in cool place

5) mix in parsley and serve!


1)  So you are going to want to slice thin a quarter of a hard cabbage, slice thin one large carrot (you could do it with a peeler), slice thin half of a bunch of kale

,.2) heat 1 or 2 table spoons of sauteing oil (which ever one you like the best).add 1 tablespoon of nigella seed to the oil and let them fry for about 30 seconds, then add your sliced vegetables and a splash of water

,3) then add lemon juice , coriander, and salt to taste.   and saute until they seem cooked but still a little crispy!


1 comment:

  1. Great Tutorial Claire!! Thanks to Conner for his persistence for the cooking lesson!! We have to do it again!!
