Sunday, April 03, 2016

Apple, Carrot, Beet Juice in the Morning

Every morning I have been making a fresh Juice since I found this juicer on craigslist.
It is so much fun trying new combinations. to be truthful I was not very good at it in the beginning. I just didn't what would go good together. But after a wile experimenting I have seemed to landed on the combination Carrots,Apples,Beet being my favorite. 
Sweet, Subtle and Pink! 
I know a lot of people are going crazy about how good juice is for you and could ramble on about the benefits it has. which  is great. But I just love having something fresh in the morning. and I think for myself, I don't eat as many vegetables as I should. and I can have a pretty salty diet. so I think this seems to balance some of that.
 I am sorry I don't have a list of what the benefits are. you will just have to find them out yourself by trying some juice!


  1. I was thinking about this juice for this month detox juice. Thank you for sharing this recipe! I enjoy your posting everythime! Thank you again!!! :)

  2. Hello Claire, if you agree, I would like to use four of your lovely pictures for a macrobiotic course poster.
    Let me know!
    A big hug from Spain
