Thursday, May 02, 2013

Day 8: Mochi Crepes!

Day 8 of "Mayumi's Kitchen" 10 day Detox Diet! wow we made so far!! This is wider/richer then i usually eat on a daily basis, but I think it has worked really well for me while I am on this trip helping out my brothers family! and it has been really great to just not have to thik about what to make for a little while. and It has been super inspiring, making me just want to cook more and in more ways! and I really am happy with practicing my photography and Photoshop skills!   

Day 8

For Breakfast 
Mochi lace Crepes 
Apricot Sauce
Pressed Salad


For Lunch
Quinoa Salad
left over sauteed Wakame mixed Miso Tofu
Fresh Salad mix


For Dinner
White Rice cooked with Pumpkin Seeds
(it was supposed to be Brown Rice with Almonds, but I didn't have those things)
Sweet and Sour Tempeh
Wakame Vegetable Soup

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