Thursday, May 16, 2013

I Will just have to Learn as I Go

I know this looks like three meals in one day.......but it is not...I just don't like not posting all the meals I have....I think it is becoming a addiction.
And I can not figure out a good blog posting schedual, so I'll just have to learn as I go
so...any whoo, this is what we had

For Lunch  
Soft Barley with sweet Vegetables Carrots, Onions, Yams 
Blanched Rutabaga Greens with Tahini Dressing


For Dinner 
Buckwheat fried with Noodles
Grated Beet Salad with Apple and Lime
Blanched Cabbage


For Dinner 
Bulgar cooked with Sweet Onions
Fried Black Beans with Garlic
Raw Salad with Avocado 
Mustard Shoyu Dressing 

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