
Sunday, July 10, 2011
For dinner:Quinoa rice.Raw salad with a mustard dressing.Chickpea soup.For lunch:Rice balls, with sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, shisho powder.Blanched parsley.Pan fried tofu then cooked down.Miso soup.For lunch:Brown rice with gomashio.Pan fried tempeh then cooked down.Raw salad.Corn tortilla. For dinner:Soft rice.With sesame seeds.Sautéed radishes.For lunch:Brown rice.Arame salad with carrots and onions and garden lettuce.Blanched turnips and blanched nappa cabbage.- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone...



Saturday, July 09, 2011
For dinner:Brown rice , with sunflower seeds.Sautéed wakame with onions, sesame oil, shoyu.Sautéed nappa cabbage with sesame oil and shoyu.Lima bean soup with radishes, carrots, onions, shoyu.For lunch:Quinoa fried with onions and carrots and sunflower seeds.Blanched nappa cabbage and radishes from the garden, with a tahini dressing.Flaffles With chickpeas, white flower, parsley, onions, salt, then deep fried!Splitpea soup.- Posted using BlogPress from my...



Thursday, July 07, 2011
For Lunch:Kinpera soup with radishes,carrots,daikon, white miso and red miso.Brown rice with toasted sesame seeds.Sweet veggie lentils with onions and seitan. ( no oil)Blanched garden Chinese nappa cabbage, and turnips!For dinner:PiZza!!With carrot sauce and olives, and bell peppers, mushrooms, I'm not exactly sire how they made it. But it was so yummy! I know it was a yeasted dough.For lunch:Brown rice.Polenta Cooked then...



Sunday, July 03, 2011
For breakfast: Deep fried mochi with maple syrup shoyu sauce.For lunch: Fried rice, with seitan, onion, carrots, broccoli.Nituke with onions and garden radishes.Hummus buckwheat patties.Miso soup.For dinner:Barley porridge with garden radishes and daikon, onions, parsley, seitan, chickpeas, sweet brown rice.- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone ...


Trying to catch up!

Sunday, July 03, 2011
For lunch:Kashavanish? Buckewheat fried with elbow noodles and onions.Blanched cabbage.Grated daikon.Miso soup. For dinner:Barley porridge with onions and carrots.Sautéed kale with tofu.For snack peanut butter cookies.I made 150 cookies!For lunch: Three kinds of rice balls, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, shisho powder.Sautéed greens with dandelion greens and corn and cabbage.Fried Lentils.Onion shoyu pickles.For dinner:Basmati rice.Nishime with seitan, onions, carrots.Blanched kale.For lunch:Corn rice.Blanched kale.Kinpera with...


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