Blanched Vegetables

Good Day, Good Food

Monday, August 27, 2012
I had So much fun ccoking today! For Lunch Nituke with Carrots and Turips and Onions (All from the Garden yay!) Pressure cooked Pinto Beans with added Shoyu  Blanched Collards   Miso Soup And Brown Rice of Course! Oh My God!! We had a Yummy Seitan Stew for Dinner, I don't know if it is cold were you are (cause it is summer and...


Simple Day

Saturday, August 25, 2012
For Lunch  Brown Rice with Umeboshi and roasted Sunflower Seeds Boiled Corn Shoyu Onion Pickle Sauteed Kale with mashed Tofu For Dinner Barley Porridge  Sauteed Cabbage ...


Vegetable Sushi

Saturday, August 18, 2012
 I am back! We had a Lovely sushi meal. With a noodle soup with corn Vegetable sushi. Lettuce Salad  For Dinner we had Buckwheat With Onions Blanched Vegtables French lentil soup ...


Camera Tragedy

Friday, August 10, 2012
Ok so I have some bad news....I lost my Camera, well I didn't lose some mysterious person took it and put it some were else, and now no one and find it. I have been really upset about for the last couple of days. but these are the last pictures of the meals I took on it. Brown rice with roasted and Ground...



Full Moon Dinner!

Saturday, August 04, 2012
Yesterday was full moon, it was quite exciting! For Lunch  Buckwheat with sweet Vegetables      Tahini Sauce to go with Blanched Kale Sauteed Arame with Onions         For the Full Moon Dinner we had The Lovely Mayumi Nishimura Cooking for us! There was Bean Seitan Masa Pop-pie with a sweet corn sauce. Salad Corn Chips with Guacamole! Strawberry Cobbler  ...



We are Loving the pumpkin Seeds

Saturday, August 04, 2012
  So ever since I have started trying to eat less and chew more, the meals have been amazing (go figure). For Lunch  Carrot Kimpera with Black Sesame seeds. Wheat Rice.  blanched Collard Greens Shoyu Pickles Pressed Salad Lentil Soup   Strawberry kantan Dessert Sauteed Kale with Corn Pumkin Seed Brown Rice Shoyu Daikon Pickle Carrot Nishime Miso Soup with Fresh Tofu Deep...


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