Sunday, March 27, 2011
For about four days we didn't have one green leafy vegetable.We had for lunch.Brown rice with sautéed onions.Nishime parsnip.Sautéed wakame.For dinner.Brown rice.Pan fried then cooked down tempeh.Onion ume boshi pickles.Sesame seeds. For dinner black wild rice. With a tahini sauce.Split pea soup.Nishime onions and parsnips.Ume boshi plum.Then this is the day we got vegetables.For lunch bulgur salad.Blanche kale.Fried wakame.Udon noodle soup. For dinner.Noodles...


Were having a birthday!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
On march 12th it was my lovely friend Gwendolyns birthday. We had a dinner party for her.Connor and Saori were the chefs.They made deep fried spring rolls.Pizza from Mayumi's bookAlex made noodle salad.And corn soup.For lunch Emily and Jimmy and Connor made,Corn rice.Nishime with carrots and parsnip.Pan fried tofu then cooked Down.Roasted sunflower seeds.Umeboshi plum.- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone ...


Xavs food is yummy!

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Xav and Emma made dinner.Cous-cous salad.Hummus.And blanched carrots.Xav Aaron and Connor made lunch.Quinoa rice.Black eye peas salad.Nikute vegetables onions and carrots.Blanched collards.Clear broth soup.- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone ...


Apple pie!

Friday, March 11, 2011
Allison Emma and Jimmy made lunch.Deep fried rice balls.Sautéed cabbage.Chickpea soup with tempeh and vegetables. For dessert Allison made apple pie!.Phiya and Jimmy and gwendolyn made dinner.Brown rice.Baked squash.Fried slabs of seitan with gravy.Blanched cabbage.Miso soup.For lunch Alex and Mirra made lunch.Brown rice and wild rice mixed.Sautéed cabbage with tofu.Squash fried.Onion shoyu pickles.Miso soup.Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone ...



Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Phiya Lauden and I made dinner.Buckwheat with onions and burdock.Chickpea salad with carrots and scallions.Blanched bok-choy.- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone ...



Monday, March 07, 2011
Phiya Katie and Jimmy made lunch.Brown rice.Pressed salad.Kinpera with wakame.Sweet aduki beans with squash.Miso soup with mochi. (and I put some almond butter on my plate)Ally made some strawberry and crunch for dessert.- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone ...


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