Full Moon


Sunday, September 30, 2012
This is a meal we had a couple weeks ago.  We wanted to do a little celebration for the end of the summer, so we played sports outside, we folk danced, and we had Sandwiches! With  Tomato - Fried Homade Tempeh! - Lettuce - Dill Pickles- Red Onions - Fried Homemade Seitan  - Whole Wheat Bread - Potato Salad!  ...


I am Back Online Again!

Saturday, September 29, 2012
Oh I am Back Yay! Feels Good, I like it! It wasn't exactly Ten Days of electronic fasting it more like seven, but for the fall I think that is enough (^_^). We had    ~ Quinoa Salad - Black Bean Soup    ...


Creamy Pasta / Leaving for Ten Days

Friday, September 21, 2012
Tomorrow Ionia will be going on our seasonal electronics fast (its a little game we play every time the seasons change) So no one uses and kind of  screen Movie,computers,iPods,CellPhones. So I will be not posting for the next Ten days..I will miss you All.... But I will still take pictures of the lovely food and will share when I get back!! On...


A Big Lunch

Thursday, September 20, 2012
I don't have a lot to say today,  We had a lovely lunch  We Had Hijiki with Kinpira Carrots,Onions,Peas. - Wheat Brown Rice - Roasted Pumpkin Seeds - Shoyu Onion Pickles - Fried Mushroom Salad with Lemons - Miso Soup! ...


Tempura with Sweet and Sour Sauce

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
You learn something new everyday! Today I learned how Yummy Tempura with such a simple sweet and sour sauce is! We have these guest from Italy and we are enjoying the cooking that we have been getting out of them! We had  Tempura Carrot and Onion Nest with Black Sesame seeds - Sweet and Sour Sauce made with Rice Syrup, Rice Vinegar, Kudzu. ...


Pasta Time

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Ok so I am going to confess a serious addiction I have to you guys..... Pasta!! I love Pasta, But it is the most challenging thing for me to digest,  so I try hard not to having all the time. This Pasta I made with  Homemade Seitan - Collard greens - Carrots - Onions ...


brown rice

Salad and Tempeh

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
My Favorite grain to have Fried Tempeh with is Brown Rice, it is so Yummy and it helps chewing I find. We Had  Fried Wakame with Onions. - Pan fried Tempeh then cooked down in Dashi Broth. - Short Grain Brown Rice. - Raw Salad ...


Suit Up Boys!

Monday, September 17, 2012
 It is always tricky to find out new ways to deal with leftovers, Sometimes it is just trying to find the fun in experimenting with different ways to make it look and taste different. So I love it when I get to cook with people who have new ways of reinventing leftovers It Turn out to be a great Strengthening meal for those...


Enjoy the Difference

Friday, September 14, 2012
One of the things I enjoy about living with lots of different cooks is  I get to enjoy lots of different kinds of wonderful Food! Everyone has their own style and its great. The Garden Season is coming to a end soon,  So we are harvesting some. - The other day we Had  Miso Soup - Sauteed Garden Carrots and Carrot Tops with...


Brown Rice with a Twist

Friday, September 14, 2012
 So I am not very good with recipes (reading them)  but I do get easily inspired by Pictures of the Food! I love cook books but I enjoy them much more if they have photographs!  I was inspired by Mayumis cook book "Mayumis Kitchen"  She has a Picture (and recipe) of Brown rice with Almonds and Celery,  I thought it was so simple...


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