I am so sorry to do this to you but, We just went on a ten day Electronics fast and I have not used the internet in the last ten days. But I have still been Eating and Taking Pictures of the meals here in Ionia! I am sorry to bombard you with so many pictures..but I didn't want you to miss out!!...
I spent the last couple of days getting things in order so I can settle into this Winter! I have lots of new projects in Mind!! New post. New Videos Trying New recipes Its going to be Fun! Today we had For Lunch Polenta Setteld on top of Kale - Deep Fried Rice Ball with Grated Daikon - Nituke Vegetables - Blanched...
I am really trying to learn more about food Photography, and Food Styling so if anyone knows of any good websites about those things or any tips they like to share!! and the community is going to have a Electronics Break for about ten days starting the 21st, So there wont be postings for that ten days, I am Sorry For Lunch ...
For Dinner we had Freash Rice Kiyu Bread - Sesame butter - Onions, Squash Butter - Boiled Daikon and Brussels Sprouts - Split Pea Soup ...
I hope everyone enjoyed following the food adventure I went on, But now I am Home and Loving it!! here is what we have been having! for Lunch Brown Rice with roasted and Ground Sesame Seeds - Nishimi with Carrots, Daikon, Onions - Sautéed Brocoli - Onion and Daikon Shoyu Pickles - Nori - Miso Soup! For Dinner we Had Squash Onion Pie!!...
I am home now yay!! it feels so good. I had a awesome trip and it was amazing to see so many people/places these last couple of weeks. and I had some pretty amazing food as well! But I am excited to just chill out and eat simply for the next couple of days. but this is the last meals I had on...