Squash Pie

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
For Lunch Brown Rice - Hijiki Salad with Lettuce and Carrots Pumpkin Seed  Sauce - Umeboshi Sauteed Cabbage - Sauteed Daikon tops and Roots - Adzuki Bean Natto  - Miso Soup ~~~~~~~~~~ Brown Rice - Blanched Radishes  - Red Lentil Dal - Squash Pie - Chickpea soup - Spicy Raw Scallion Condiments  ...


brown rice

Sunny Summer Food

Sunday, June 22, 2014
yesterday was the longest day of the year, and man can you tell up here in Alaska. never gets dark! For Lunch  Brown Rice - Ground Sesame Seeds - Nishime Onions - Sauteed Daikon tops and bottoms - Turnips Pickles - Chickpea Vegetable Soup ~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Millet  - Red Lentil soup with Squash and Carrots, Onions - Sauteed Radishes - Fried Dulse...



Cous Cous Salad

Friday, June 20, 2014
For Lunch  Sweet Vegetable Millet with Onions and Carrots - Deep Fired Leftover Nuggets with a Tahini Sauce and Grated Daikon - Blanched Radishes and Napa Cabbage  - Sauteed Hijiki with Onions ~~~~~~~~~ Cous-Cous Salad with cucumbers, Umeboshi marinated Red Onions - Nituke Vegetables with Onions, Carrots, Turnips Greens and Gomashio ...


brown rice

Bulgar Salad

Friday, June 20, 2014
For Lunch Brown Rice - Blanched Turnip Roots - Nishime Carrots - White Navy Beans with Onions and Mustard - Sauteed Turnips Greens - Miso Natto  ~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Bulgar Salad with pickled  Radishes and Cucumbers - Sauteed Radishes - Blended Kidney Beans Fired with Corn  ...


Blanched Vegetable Salad

Colorful food

Sunday, June 15, 2014
For Lunch Bulgar  - Umeboshi Radish Pickle - Red Lentil Corn Dal  - Sauteed Turnips - Sauteed Cabbage  - Cucumber Salad Garnished with Sesame Seeds ~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Medium Grain Brown Rice - Blanched Vegetable Salad with Turnips and Napa Cabbage with a Lemon Dressing - Split Pea Soup ...



Blanched vegetable Salad

Sunday, June 15, 2014
The only thing coming out of the community garden right now is radishes turnips and daikon and they are so tender and awesome just blanching them is enough. For Lunch Roasted Brown Rice - Fried Dulse - Blanched Vegetable Salad with Collard Greens, Carrots, Turnips with a Carrot Dressing - French Onion Soup ...


brown rice

Sauteed Garden Turnips

Thursday, June 12, 2014
For Lunch  Quiona  - Stir Fry Vegetables - Cucumber Pickles  - Lentil Soup ~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Brown Rice  - Sesame Butter - Natto  - Sauteed Turnips roots and tops ...


brown rice

Brown Rice, Tempeh and Greens

Thursday, June 12, 2014
Brown Rice, Tempeh and Greens, doesn't get more classic ionia meal then that! For Lunch Brown Rice - Tempeh Pan Fried and cooked down with Wakame - Blanched garden Daikon Roots and Tops - Cucumber Pickles - Gomashio - Root Vegetable Soup with Onions, Beets, Carrots,  ...


Adzuki Beans

Noodle Stew

Monday, June 09, 2014
For Lunch  Brown Rice - Sake Bran Pickles Carrots and Daikon - Nishime Carrots, Cabbage,Squash - Sweet Adzuki Beans - Sauteed Kale and Daikon Greens - Miso Soup ~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Noodle Vegetable Stew  ...


Adzuki Beans

Easter Egg Radishes

Monday, June 09, 2014
For Lunch Sweet Vegetable Millet - Wakame cooked with Sauteed Onions - Blanched Easter Egg Radishes (I think they are called they because they are so colorful) - White Bean Soup ~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Deep Fried Adzuki Bean Rice Balls with Vegetable Kuzu Sauce garnished with grated Daikon - Baked Squash - Blanched Kale ...



Seitan Kuzu Sauce...What!!?

Thursday, June 05, 2014
OK so Quinoa is amazing we all know this. but you mix it with Seitan and a Shoyu Kuzu Sauce......What!?? its just a easy fix it for all the people who have a little teenager inside of them that wants to eat delicious protein all the time. balance it out with a nice fresh Pressed Salad and you are good to go! For...


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