brown rice

Sprout Salad

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
 Spring Sprouts! At the long house today for lunch there was a amazing sprout carrot salad. which is so exciting after months of winter. to have fresh little baby sprouts!  For Lunch Adzuki Bean Brown Rice (watch and learn how to make Brown Rice here) - Sprout Salad with grated Carrot and creamy Dressing - Sautéed Broccoli - Roasted Carrots - Kimchi  (Our...


Black Beans

Polenta Hearts and Black Beans.

Saturday, March 26, 2016
I have been trying to find ways to make food more interesting to look at and to eat.  and I recently found my old box cookie cutters. So everything has been Heart and butterfly shapes lately!  For Lunch Polenta, Cut into shapes then Pan fried. - Fried Black Beans - Lettuce, Pickle Salad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner White Rice and Potato Curry - Spring...



Oatmeal rant!

Saturday, March 26, 2016
 The only thing I can crave in the morning is creamy oatmeal! Not the kind of oatmeal where 70% of the bowl is sweetener nuts and berries.  Just plain oatmeal cooked with love and care.  My favorite oatmeal is made with whole oats cooked overnight. but that is difficult to do some times.  So ever since my father got this amazing grain roller,...


Adzuki Beans

Noodle and tofu

Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Feels like Spring is coming sooner every year up here in Alaska. today was above freezing all day, with huge puddles forming from the melting snow. It is one of the most exciting times of the year I think. where you can feel such change happening all around.  It felt like a day to make a bunch of my favorite foods all in...


brown rice

Five months with out thinking of writing,posting.......

Monday, March 21, 2016
 Five months with out thinking of writing,posting, or photography. anything creative really. To be open and truthful it has been a intense winter.  I with my siblings have been giving our selfs completely into the role of caretaker for my father with the support of our community.  He has been struggling with effects of cancer for the last year.  I felt that I...


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