The Japanese name for Sushi Roll is Maki. Traditionally the Rice and other ingrediants were rolled into Nori to create a Maki. I love Maki. which is why I was so happy when my friend decided to come over and make them as well as some hand rolls for lunch for my father and the rest of us! You can make them fancy...
Sauerkraut is one of my favorite fermented foods. Fermented food are pretty crucial to a plant based diet I have found. nothing helps digest whole grain like fermented foods. Here we (and by we I mean mainly a young man named Connor who is our fermented foods guy in Ionia) usually make our Sauerkraut in the early winter with cabbage harvest from the Fall before....
Seitan Pot-Pie. Not many things that are better in this world. I was so lucky to have my sister come over and cook this thing of beauty. she made the crust all fluffy and perfect. the crust was made from White Flour, Oat Flour, Baking Powder, Salt, and Oil. made into a thick batter to be poured over the sautéed vegetable Seitan mixture....
When you are trying come up with things to eat for someone who doesn't have much appetite it can be quite challenging. But that is when our creativity can show it self in full force. The usual meals from the community center are amazing. I feel very grateful being able to appreciate so many talented cooks food living in ionia. every so often...
Every morning I have been making a fresh Juice since I found this juicer on craigslist. It is so much fun trying new combinations. to be truthful I was not very good at it in the beginning. I just didn't what would go good together. But after a wile experimenting I have seemed to landed on the combination Carrots,Apples,Beet being my favorite. Sweet,...
You don't see Adzuki beans very many places. which is crazy cause I think it is one of the best beans. Adzuki Bean soup can be healing and just feel like a bowl of comfort for me. Adzuki Beans go best with a nice sweet Squash I think. For Lunch Barley Rice (watch and learn how to make Brown Rice here) - Sauerkraut...