Me and my friend wanted to make cake for no reason in particular....other then we wanted to eat it!! but we didn't forget to eat our regular meals ;) For Lunch Black Bean Brown Rice - Shoyu Onion Pickles - Squash Onion Carrot Nishime - Sauteed Kale - Cauliflower Soup ~~~~~~~~~~~ For Snack Mocha Walnut Cake! With Cranberry jam in the middle...
For Lunch Polenta - Natto - Blanched napa Cabbage - Pressed Salad - Baked Squash - Nuka Pickles ~~~~~ For Dinner Buckwheat cooked with Cauliflower - Sauteed kale - Squash Soup ...
For Lunch Millet with Squash - Sauteed Cabbage - Brown Lentil Soup ~~~~ Pasta Thin Spaghetti cooked with Tomatos Seitan Kale Shoyu Broth ...
For Lunch Brown Rice - Gomashio - Nituke Vegetables -Burdock and Collards - Shoyu Onion Pickles - Adzuki Bean Soup ~~~~~ For Dinner Brown Rice - Sesame Seeds - Blanched Broccoli with Lemon - Squash Pie with Sauteed Cabbage on top! ...
For Lunch Brown Rice - Shoyu Onions Pickles - Roasted Sunflower Seeds - Blanched Carrots and Tops - Sauteed Kale - Miso Soup ~~~~~~~ For Dinner Quinoa - Nishime with Burdock and Carrots - Sauteed Arame - Blanched Kale ...
For Dinner Pasta, fried with Onions and Seitan - Salad with a Olive oil Dressing ...
For Lunch Brown Rice - Shoyu Cabbage Pickles - Blanched Radishes - Fried Wakaeme with Ginger - Kidney Bean Soup ~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Buckwheat - Pressed Salad - Onion Tempura Eel - Natto ...
Noodles and Broth and Tempura with Nori Sesame Seeds Ginger Watercress Udon Noodles Onion Tempura Shitaki Kombu Broth Scallions ...
bancha tea
Pressed Salad with Cranberries, Why?...........Beacuse I Like it!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 For Lunch Chickpea Rice - Grounded Sesame Seeds - Pressed Salad with wiled cranberries - Balnched Vegetable Salad with Collards,Carrots,Radishes,Olive Oil Dressing - Bancha Tea - Carrots tops Miso Condiment ~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Brown Rice Porridge with Barley Onions,Carrots,Burdock,Cabbage,Miso ...
Fall is here!! it is getting much colder and all the fireweed is turning bright red! and what vegetables we can find in our garden and in the stores or changing .... Apples are in season. we finished the work on the barn for this building season and we wanted to celebrate with APPLE PIE! it was so yummy! apple pie just seems...
The other day I had Lunch and skipped Dinner and then the next day I had Lunch but by the time I showed up for dinner it wasn't very photogenic (and I was super hungry) So I just ate it....and so that leaves this post being two lunches!! For Lunch Polenta - Fried Kidney Beans with Onions and Garlic - Blanched Cabbage and...
For Lunch Brown Rice - Umeboshi Sauteed Cabbage - Black eyed peas and kidney beans fried together with onions and Garlic - Miso soup with Wakame ~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Bulgar cooked with caramelized Onions - Salad with Carrot Dressing - Burdock sauteed with Dulse ...
Check out the new Cooking video! How to make Mochi!! ...
It is getting so cold here lately, what do you make on a cold day!?? For Lunch Millet - Lima Beans cooked with Turnip and Turnip Tops - Sauteed Purple Cabbage - Raw Salad with Garden Lettuce ~~~~~~~ For Dinner Porridge with Rice Millet Corn Burdock Carrots Onions Seitan Miso Scallions ...