brown rice

Trying to a Make Paella

Tuesday, December 13, 2016
 After watching Venu Sanz (check out her amaizing website here) live instafeed where she was making vegetarian paella with Brown Rice it gave me enough courage to try to make it on my own!  I know Paella is one of those dishes that is  so special to so many that there is a lot of opinion on the right and wrong way of...



Creamy Squash Soup

Monday, December 12, 2016
For Lunch Cous-Cous with Quick Ume pickled Cucumbers - Blanched Bok-Choy - Lentils fried with Onions and Garlic - Squash Soup with Caramalized Onions with Toasted Pumpkin Seeds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leftover Grain Patties, White Rice, Barley, and Millet, Seitan Sausage.  (of as my brother calls them "All the junk in the kitchen Patties") whatever they were delicous. - Blanched Broccoli and Carrots - Kidney...


Natural Remedies wit Mayumi Nishimura

Sunday, December 11, 2016
I am so happy to share this new cooking video on making some natrual hot liquid remedies to help sooth what aches you this holiday season.  I am super happy to know how to make these drinks Thank you Mayumi. they have helped me so much over the years. Ume Kuzu What a cover all amaizing drink. when ever you are having digestion...



Tempeh with fresh Coleslaw

Sunday, December 11, 2016
I have been enjoying making a full fresh meal for lunch and kind of winging it with the rest of the poeple in the house  with leftovers for dinnr. does anybody else do this? Sometimes not haveing the pressure of cooking a whole meal from scratch you can focus on making new thing. My brother made dinner yesterday using leftover lunch and adding...



French Toast

Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Yesterday was a day I needed to celebrate. celebrate all the wonderful things life has given me. celebrate this journy that has taken me to beautiful places and challanged me more then I thought I could handle and showed me I could. celebrate all the loving people I have in my life..... or I just needed a reason to make French Toast.  I...


Adzuki Beans

Hakurei Turnips

Sunday, November 27, 2016
Went to the farmers market to find these big white Hakurei Turnips. They are so sweet and delicous. and quite possibly my favorite vegetable.   For Lunch Brown Rice cooked with White basamati Rice (watch and learn how to make Brown Rice here) - Roasted Sesame Seeds (watch and learn how to make Roasted Sesame Seeds here) - Adzuki Beans Cooked with Sweet Potato ...



How to make Stuffing and Gravy!. Full Recipe here!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016
 Thanksgiving is coming up. To the be honest I don't have a big connection with this holiday and the meaning behind it.  But I do love Thanksgiving food!  I know Thanksgiving can be a difficult holiday for vegetarians and vegans.  So I wanted to share some ideas that you could make this Thursday great!  I want to share how I make Stuffing, which...



Carrots and Tops!

Sunday, November 20, 2016
Carrots and Tops growing up in Alaska we always tried to incorporate every part of our ingredients in what ever we cook. Here is one of my favorite ways to have Carrots. Chop up Carrots and Tops, Water sauté the Carrots and Tops with a pinch of Salt until done. then mixing in  spoonful of Tahini and Umeboshi Vinegar. Done!  For Lunch Soft...


Black Beans

Finding my place for the Winter

Thursday, November 17, 2016
Traveling, Traveling, Traveling....It got a little crazy there for me for a while. but I am happy to say I get to settle down a little bit. in Asheville North Carolina!  I am going to be focusing on making the best content I can for this Blog and also more cooking videos!  The holidays are just getting me excited.  I am going to...



Peach Cobbler with homemade Coconut Ice Cream

Wednesday, October 05, 2016
For Lunch Brown Rice (watch and learn how to make Brown Rice here) - Cucumber Dill Pickles - Sautéed Kale with Tofu (watch and learn how to make Tofu here) - Onions,Squash,Beets,and Carrots Sautéed together for a long slow sweet time pretty much becoming my favorite way to have root vegetables. - Raw Arugula,Carrot,Cucumber Salad with a Lemon Tahini Dressing garnished with toasted...


Visiting Seed Kitchen in Santa Monica.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016
I was invited to spend the last week in Santa Monica California with the wonderful Sanae Suzuki and Eric Lechasseur. They asked me if I could make a short video on their wonderful restaurant Seed Kitchen. unfortunately, they had to close Seed Kitchen. and wanted to share their story of running the place and what it meant to them. I, of course, could never refuse to...



Meal of the Summer

Saturday, September 10, 2016
Do you have a meal you end up cooking for yourself the entire summer?  Well, I do apparently. I find myself making some sort of Grain Salad, Some sort of Sauteed Root Vegetable dish, and Beans.  it's like a no-fail summer meal. and you get all your basic necessities in a plant-based meal.  I am Vegan, Vegetarian, Macrobiotic based eater.  I don't know...


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