
Trying new Recipes

Sunday, July 31, 2016
 Most of the time I am terrible when it comes to following a recipe to a T. Some how I find a way to change it. But the other day I found this pasta recipe from Angela Liddons book Oh she glows, and I just can't resist a good pasta dish. so I tried it.  and It was so good! so creamy and rich....



Summer Soba Salad

Friday, July 29, 2016
So I am running out of ideas for foods for the hot hot afternoons here in Asheville North Carolina.   It doesn't come natrual to me to just eat raw salad every day.  I need a whole meal, Grain, Green, Bean combination!  Have any ideas? I would love to know what you are eating this Summer!   For Lunch  Soba Salad  with  Arugula...



Simple Dal

Thursday, July 28, 2016
For Lunch Brown Rice cooked with Yams  - Yellow lentil Dal  with Onions, Garlic, Potatos,Corn, Cumin, Coriandar,  - Blanched Kale - Beet Salad ~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Millet  with  Gravy made out of carmalised Onions,Flour, Olive oil, Garlic, and Vegetable stock, Shoyu. - Boiled Broccoli and Caulifower with a Lemon Dressing - Baked Yams - Leftover Dal made into a Soup ...



Quinoa Salad

Wednesday, July 27, 2016
For Lunch Brown Rice (watch and learn how to make Brown Rice here) - Toasted Almonds  - Kimchi - Steamed Broccoli - Baked Chickpea Beet Patties with Cucumber Dill Tofu Sauce ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Quinoa Salad with Radishes marinated in Umeboshi Paste and Mustard, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Cherry Tomatos, Parsley, and a Lemon, Salt, Olive Oil, Rice Syrup Dressing. - Boiled Corn - Sautéed...


Black Beans

Brown rice and Tacos!

Monday, July 25, 2016
Taco Tuesday!....ok it wasnt' tuesday. but I wanted tacos with Pico De Gallo. and thanks to Eric Lechasseur and the Taco video he graciously agreed to make with me a year ago. I can now make Tacos by myself!  For Lunch  Brown with toasted Almonds  (learn how to make Brown Rice here) - Fried Black Beans with Onions and Garlic - Blanched Kale...




Thursday, July 21, 2016
For Lunch Brown Rice (watch and learn how to make Brown Rice here) with toasted Pumpkin Seeds - Shreded Apple, Carrot, Kale Salad  - Fried Wakame with Carmalised Onions and Mirin - Kimchi - Pinto Bean soup. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner White Basamati Rice - Vegetable Stirfry with Tofu,Onion,Carrot,Broccoli, Bell peppers, with a Ginger,Garlic,Shoyu,Arrowroot sauce. (watch and learn how to make Tofu here) ...



Chickpea Salad with Everything in It

Tuesday, July 19, 2016
For Lunch  Brown Rice Pasta Salad with Broccoli, Radish,Bok-choy, with a Pumpkin Seed Parsley Vinegar Garlic Dressing  - Baked yams with Salt, and Pepper. - Panfried Tofu with Shoyu and Mirin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner White Basmati Rice with a spoonful of leftover Pumpkin seed Dressing  - Sauteed Kale - Chickpea Salad  with (pretty much everything I could find)Chickpeas, Red Onion marinated in Umeboshi Juice,...



Arugula Salad, with Tomato for the Warm Weather

Sunday, July 17, 2016
 Here I am in Asheville visiting family and quiteing down my life. And cooking! During the course of caring for my father I lost all my inspiration to cook. there was no time or energy to do much of it anyway. my family and friends were a big help. It took a long while to have real interest for it again.  and to...


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