Chickpea Salad with Everything in It

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

For Lunch 
Brown Rice Pasta Salad with Broccoli, Radish,Bok-choy,
with a Pumpkin Seed Parsley Vinegar Garlic Dressing 
Baked yams with Salt, and Pepper.
Panfried Tofu with Shoyu and Mirin.


For Dinner
White Basmati Rice
with a spoonful of leftover Pumpkin seed Dressing 
Sauteed Kale
Chickpea Salad
 with (pretty much everything I could find)Chickpeas, Red Onion marinated in Umeboshi Juice, Carrots,Bell Pepper, Radish, Dill, Cucumber massaged with salt. Beets, Cilantro, and Tahini, Lemon, Rice syrup, Umeboshi Dressing.

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