
One Pot Meals

Saturday, April 26, 2014
Cooking with one pot can be very fun and adventurous or very stressing and uninspiring.. depending on how you feel I guess. On my adventures around the south west of America.. we have been hopping from place to place and some of the places don't even have kitchens. so we have bought a portable Nabe burner and one pot and have been caring...



Lots of Noodles and a New Cooking Video!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Some how when you are alone you seem to cook very different then when you cook for other people.. I tend to cook more Noodles and Pasta, because it is easy and quick. I have been eating Noodle Salad, Noodle Stews, Fried is getting crazy. But eating all those noodles I finished editing another cooking video yay!!  here is the new video...



Carrots and Carrot Tops

Sunday, April 20, 2014
For Lunch  Brown Rice  - Natto with Mustard and Scallions and Shoyu - Carrots and Carrot Tops with Sesame Seeds  this is one of my favorite dishes, but it is so hard to find carrots with the tops that aren't all overgrown (unless you grow the your own) - Sauteed Daikon Greens with Burdock  ~~~~~~~~ For Snack  Fresh Blueberries and Strawberries ~~~~~~~~~~ For...



Cooking with Sanae

Saturday, April 19, 2014
I am still visiting friends in LA, one whom is the fabulous Sanae Suzuki.  we had so much fun going to the farmers market and getting inspired and then cooking lunch!  here is what we had For Lunch Water  Sauteed Radishes and Daikon Greens seasoned with Umeboshi - Daikon Nishime with Miso Sauce garnished with Thyme  - Quick Ginger Cucumber Dill Pickles  -...



Vegetable Fried Rice

Thursday, April 17, 2014
For Lunch Vegetable Fried Rice  with Onions,Cauliflower,Carrots,Leeks,Tofu. - Blanched Bok-Choy - Udon Noodle Broth with Shitaki and Kombu  ~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Kashavanish?? Buckwheat with Noodles  - Salad with raw iceberg Lettuce, Blanched Broccoli,Carrots,Baby Greens,raw Cucumbers,and raw Apple. with a Tofu Dressing with Dill and Umeboshi Vinegar  ...



Trying Spices

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
I am staying with some friends in Santa Monica now. Eric and Sanae who run the Macrobiotic restaurant Seed Kitchen. I don't mess around with Spices that much at all, but I felt experimental yesterday and gave it a try for Lunch. it came out pretty well I think. yay for me. For Lunch  White Rice - simple Lentil Dal  with Onions and...



Fried Seitan

Saturday, April 12, 2014
For Lunch Avocado Brown Rice Sushi - Cucumber Salad with a Carrot Ginger Dressing - Sauteed Caulifower and Kale - Miso Soup with Onions and Yams ~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Polenta - Blanched Bok-Choy, and Turnips,Cauliflower - Potato Salad with Cucumbers, and a Lemon Dill Dressing - Fried Seitan with Onions and Mustard  - French Lentil Soup ...



Tofu and Kinpira

Monday, April 07, 2014
 For Lunch Sweet Millet cooked with Squash  with  Caramelized Onions on top - Kinpira with Carrot,Burdock,Lotus Root - Pan Fried Tofu then Cooked down in Shoyu, Mirin, Shitaki  - Blanched Kale and Daikon with a Scallion Umeboshi Dressing  ~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Leftover Millet Kinpira Porridge  - Sauteed Dandelion Greens with Tofu - Pasta Salad with Tomato,Cucumber,Lettuce,Tahini Dressing ...



Baked Root Vegetable

Sunday, April 06, 2014
 For Lunch Brown Rice with Jasmine Rice - Roasted Yams, Beets, Turnips - Dandelion Greens Sauteed with Tofu - Lettuce, Avocado, Tomato, Cucumber Salad with Sesame, Mustard Vinegrette ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Dinner Leftover Root Vegetable Medley Soup with Lima Beans  - Brown Rice - Sake Lees Daikon Pickles - HIjiki with Carrots, Onions and Lotus Root - Fried Tempeh Steak with Kombu and Shiitake...


Adzuki Beans

Mochi and Adzuki Bean Soup

Sunday, April 06, 2014
For Lunch   Millet cooked with Tomatoes,Onions,Carrots - Blanched Kale with Tofu - Diakon Nishime with Lotus root and Shitaki Mushrooms - Deep Fried (leftovers) Koogali-woogalies (thats the name ionia gave them ok) with a Shoyu Ginger Kudzu Sauce  - White Miso Soup with Onions,Daikon and Daikon Greens. Garnished with Scallions ~~~~~~~~~~~ Adzuki Bean Soup with leftover Soba, Onions,Daikon - Pan Fried Mochi  -...


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