With so many people coming and going from the community right now, it is very hard to cook the right amount of food for everybody, so we have been ending up with tons of leftovers to try and get creative with. we had noodles and broth the other day and made way to many noodles so for dinner today we ended up making...
For Lunch we Had Sushi made with Tofu Avacado Cucumber Jasmine white Rice - Blanched Kale - Clear Broth Ginger Soup ~~~~ For Dinner Noodles and Broth made with Udon Noodles Nori Scallions Shoyu Broth - Blanched Cauliflower ...
Yesterday was so much fun, we ate so much food! We started off Breakfast/brunch with these tortillas someone had brought back from Guatemala served with Guacamole - Salsa ~~ we ate Setan Tan-pops with Tofu Wasabi Sauce through out the day ~~~ For Diner we had Lasagna (a Tomato version and a Beet Sauce version) - Salad ~~~ Dessert Blueberry Pie! ...
Rice Kayu Bread with Sesame Miso Spread. and Preparing for the Academy Awards!!
Saturday, February 23, 2013 So tomorrow is the Academy Awards, and for people who don't watch movies that won't mean anything to you..but for people who watch a lot of movies like us here in Ionia, you might understand the fun we like to have on the Academy Awards day! We made it our own Holiday! We make tons of special food and just watch the show all day!! so we...
I have figured out how to make little mood boards to go along with my food pictures and I am just going crazy with it!!! tell me when it gets a bit much, I can't not take a picture of every little thing these days, all day people are giving me funny faces, but it's OK I don't care!! For Lunch we Had Brown rice...
We definitely have been cooking more warming strengthening foods lately, because it is just so friggen cold!!!! and I have been Loving it! More Beans,Seaweeds,little bit more Oil, Root Vegetables Its Great! But at the same time I have this weird craving for Indian food...I might have to indulge soon. For Lunch we Had Brown Rice - Shoyu Turnip Pickles - Roasted Sunflower...
It still gets to me how little things like chewing my food is one of the hardiest things for me to do! I have been reminded to chew by Jessica Porter's Chew-a-thon, which I am loving! remembering to chew is such a little thing with such a big effect (like a lot of wonderful little things) For Lunch we had Sweet Brown Rice...
I have all these exciting (well exciting to me) ideas for this blog! I want to redecorate the place! and have a page for basic Recipes, the blog would still be for the Daily Meals that we have here in Ionia. there would be a index for step by step recipes (with Pictures!) for for the dishes! and I would get information on...
For Lunch we had Quinoa - Steamed Yams - Blanched Daikon with the Daikon Greens - Adzuki Bean Soup ~~~~ For Dinner Buckwheat - Lima Beans Fried with Onions - Blanched Broccoli ...
For Lunch Millet with sweet Vegetables - Blanched Kale - Nishime Daikon and Squash - Miso Soup ~~~~~ For Dinner Kidney Bean Brown Rice - Blanched Broccoli and Daikon and Kale with Lemon - Left Overs Barley mixed with raw Onions and Carrots, turned into deep fried nuggets with a Kudzu Sauce - Sweet Creamy Yam Soup Dessert ~~~~~ Pear Crisp! ...
For Lunch we had Brown Rice with Gomashio - Nishime Turnips with a little Umeboshi Juice - Blanched Vegetable Salad - Miso Soup ~~~~~ For Dinner Brown Rice cooked with Winter Wheat, Hijiki, And a little Shoyu - Sesame seed Butter - Baked Yams - Blanched Arugula ...
I always found it kinda funny that the most simple food (like Hato Mugi Barley) are usually expensive, and wide food (like pasta) are fairly cheap! and it is usually the simple plain foods that are more difficult to cook delicious, while foods like pasta can be quite simple to make delicious (you just have to put enough seasoning on it ;) For...
today I am going show two days worth of meals, except I didn't eat dinner the first day so I can't tell what it was. I have been not eating any oil for the last two weeks and feel great! I love to try things with my diet and leanr how different foods effect me and how much of them I really want,...
It was so sunny and beautiful to day outside! but when it is sunny in the winter it means it is freaking cold!!! So I made sure to drink tons of hot bancha tea all day! For lunch we had Brown Rice with Roasted Sunflower Seeds - Turnip Shoyu Pickles - Salad with a Mustard Dressing - Baked Yams ...
For Lunch we had Polenta - Fried Wakame with Daikon and Onions - Lentils cooked with Sweet Vegetables - Blanched Kale ~~~~~~ For Dinner Brown Rice - Seitan with Brussels Sprouts - Nishime with Squash ,Daikon, Yams - Split Pea Soup , ...
At this time of year it is easy for me to get myself stressed and feel guilty that I am not getting more done and being more productive.. I just to remember to relax and try to go with the amount of energy I have. one thing I do is try to pick one thing I want to get done that day, and...