Remembering December cookies
Friday, January 03, 2014
In December Ionia set up a cooking class so Connor Florence and I offered to teach it.
it went pretty well, even though I feel a bit awkward cooking in front of people, so I try and cook with them and get them involved.
we had a good crew and the food came out good, so all went well!
For Lunch
Brown Rice
Sauteed Kale
Nishime Carrots and Cabbage
Vegetable Soup with Seitan croutons
For Dinner (that was the Cooking class)
Brown Rice
Veggie Saute with Bok-choy, white Mushrooms,tofu
Tempura Carrots,Broccoli, Onons
Shoyu ginger Sauce for the Tempura
Red Lentil Soup with Onions,Garlic,Celery, Corn,Garnished with Parsley
Peanut Butter Cookies